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19-21 de outubro, 2022


19-21 de outubro, 2022


Goiânia, Goiás

Envio de Trabalho

Finaliza em 31/08/2022

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Tópicos especiais


Claudia Fontana1, Leif A. Portal-cahuana1, Milena Godoy-veiga2, Marcelo C. Scipioni3, Veronica Angyalossy2, Mario T. Filho1

1Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” - ESALQ, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), 2Universidade de São Paulo (USP), 3Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

E-mail: claudiafontanabio@gmail.com

Ocotea porosa is possibly one of the longest-lived species in the Atlantic Forest, reaching more than 400 years, which makes it relevant for dendrochronological studies. The objective was to characterize the anatomical structure of the growth rings of Ocotea porosa for application in dendrochronology. An increment borer (Ø 5mm) was used to obtain samples of the trunk wood of three imbuia trees, which were prepared with the usual microscopy techniques. Ocotea porosa wood is characterized by diffuse vessels (x̅ = 19 vessels/mm2, SD = 5; min. = 11; max = 28; CV% = 23.33), with a mean diameter of 87.75 µm (SD = 23.31; min. = 36.99; max = 157.23; CV% = 26.57), mean vessel area of ​​6,591.03 µm2 (SD = 3,048.74; min. = 1,211.10; max = 16,559.80; CV% = 46.26) and presence of paratracheal and vasicentric axial parenchyma. Oil-containing cells were observed. The growth rings are visible to the naked eye and are marked by the thickening and flattening of the fiber walls in late wood. Except for the marginal parenchyma, which was not observed in this study, the other results corroborate what is described in the literature. The growth rings clearly marked, as well as their annuality previously described in the literature, allow the application of O. porosa in dendrochronological studies.

Palavras-chave: Imbuia; Dendrochronology, Wood anatomy

Agradecimentos: NSF-FAPESP PIRE project: 2009/53951-7 and grant 2017/50085-3

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